Sunday, September 21, 2008

What is the ACB and why is it "Ballerific"?

ACB means Asociación de Clubs de Baloncesto or Associaton of Basketball Clubs. Pardon my French, but this Spanish league is considered the creme de la creme of all domestic basketball league outside of the NBA. Spanish fans are rabid about their basketball and club owners are willing to pay top dollar to attract talent to the peninsula. This league is a lot less cookie-cutter than its logo would have you believe!
For one, the color of the Spanish people absolutely pops off the league's English-language website. Go here and look at the graphic in the middle of the page by the words "El Crack." Hardly niño friendly, eh?

For two, this audaciously fun league also happens to be home to Ricky Rubio, the best young talent in Europe.

His team - DKV Joventut - is a based in Badolona, Spain, a suburb of Barcelona in the northeast of Spain.

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The 78-year old team is one of only three in the ACB to have never been demoted to a lesser domestic league and will this year place its chances for success in the hands of young Rubio.

Star Rudy Fernandez, Rubio's backcourt mate from last year, and the man who almost buried America's chances for Olympic gold in a torrent of threes, has left for the Portland Trailblazers.


JohnnieC said...

Haha, nice. That photo is funny for sure. How could that guy leave a league that is such fun for a team that probably makes its players undergo frequent drug tests. Plus with the economy in the dumps, it is only a matter of time before we start laying off NBA players. Guess who will be the first ones let go? The non-citizens with balling visas!

Evin Demirel said...

Quite an omnicomment you got there, Johnnie. I bet the rubber-legged Rudy will be so popular in Portland, Oregon senators will amend federal law to retroACTIVELY make him a US citizen!

JohnnieC said...

Badolona?! What a sweet, badass name for a town. It's not Barcelona, but BADolona. It isn't too late for us to start a suburb or Little Rock called Bad Rock. Maybe they should just rename Cammack Village.

Evin Demirel said...

It sure beats the lederhosen off the likes of Gütenburg and what have you...