Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Bensonic Flavor

Meet Rod Benson.
He's a 6-10, expatriating, board-grabbing, keyboard-tapping machine.
Benson, who plays for SLUC Nancy (in France's best league), is not your run-of-the-mill athlete blogger, serving up bland P.R. drivel with the wit of a soggy armband.
No. What Benson serves up is invariably fresh, tasty and off the still sizzling skillet of his mind.

Here's a taste:

Benson, who plays with Tony Parker's younger brother, partly through that connection recently met up with the French National Team at a discotheque. The night was memorable - not memorable in a 'Ah, that was sweet' kind of way but more like a 'Ah, at least that'll be able to generate some laughs if I blog about it' sort of way.
An excerpt from his first nightlife experience in France ...

Right off the bat I realized that arriving at 11 p.m. meant that I was arriving way too early. All the French guys arrived at like 1 a.m.. I later realized that the fact that I can't speak French, coupled with loud music and noise, means that there is almost zero reason for me to open my mouth at a club. I did a lot of talking to myself, dancing with myself, and kickin' it — with myself. It was kinda awkward being the only person who knew, and danced, the entire Soulja Boy "Crank That" song.

The D.J. started playing some Snoop Dogg and Tupac and soon enough I was the only person C-Walking, too. I kind of felt like I was a mime. I said no words, I made no eye contact, I just moved around by myself while many people drank and watched.

Going back to his Tony Parker's brother, it looks like young TJ Parker and Rod Benson have no problem making fun of TJ Parker. You see, Tony "Deep-pockets" Parker, evidentally not feeling the latest economic crisis in the least, has bet his broseph $22,000 that he can't grow his hair out for 6 straight months. Au contraire, brother said, and the race is on.

Hilarity, in the form of this apt comparison b/t Parker and Carlos from Desperate Housewives, has ensued:

Here's where Benson now plays - Nancy in Lorraine Province (where Joan of Arc was born):

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JohnnieC said...

Hah, that is sad. I wonder if that makes him regret choosing France?
Not the best place to live and not speak the native tongue. He'd be super popular in Japan or Korea. Wonder where the most english friendly place in Europe is besides England?

Evin Demirel said...

Oh man - I gotta go with the Netherlands. Most Dutch sound like native English speakers... I love the Dutch - they're friendly as hell - but when it comes to simulating native English, they remind me of the replicants from Bladerunner!

Kelsie said...

One of my friends is traveling to Iraq soon for business...mind you he's in the Army, but still, business. He told me a story of a drill sergeant yelling during training, "WHERE CAN YOU GET PAID TO WORKOUT?!"

My dear friend replied confidently:
"Professional Athletics drill sergeant?"

Well apparently that was not the answer he was looking for.

I wish I had 22,000 dollars to bet with. I'm not judging paying professional athletes high dollars; its the same for actors; and various other entertainers. We need them to distract us from the drudges of our lives. Especially now with the economy in the shitter. (can I say Shitter on here) well now I've said it twice.
We once had Shirley Temple, now let us watch basketball, in France. Because its not just us Americans that are feeling our pocketbooks grow slimmer. Everyone is feeling it.

So basically I guess I'm saying I enjoy laughing especially at the idea of someone dancing to Soulja Boy, solo, in France.

I too know what it's like to be the only one who knows how to "Superman."

Evin Demirel said...

Well played, Young Kelsie.
I like your connection between professional sports and acting - these are high specialized skill sets that the performers bring to the table and if people are willing to pay to view them, then I by all means haven't a problem with it.

Still trying to figure out who the "Shirley Temple of Euroball" would be...

JohnnieC said...

Yo E, you think Kelsie would like all those NBA dance-off videos? I bet she would! Shaq doing that I-eat-your-beating-heart move was priceless.

Evin Demirel said...


You need to up in this:
