Monday, November 17, 2008

Not a Whole Lotta Success ... Yet: Jenning's Progress

Lottomatica guard Brandon Jennings has played nearly 3 times more effectively in his four Euroleague games this season than his four Serie A Italian domestic league games.

Here's the breakdown:
Euroleague: 10.5 ppg, 2.3 rpg, 1.5 apg, 41.7 3Pt%, 92.9 FT%
Serie A: 5.5 ppg 1.3 rpg 2.3 apg 18.3 3Pt% 50.0 FT%

This may have something to do with Jennings being a much bigger star in his domestic league and than the "big pond" - all of Europe. Domestic defenders may be focusing on him more than bigger-name Euroleague oppponents. It'll be interesting to see if this trend continues.

The bottom line, though, is that so far Lottomatica Roma is winning: after eight games in both leagues, it was 7-1.

Here's Jennings showing that all that team-first talk is the real deal. Check out this hustle-born floor burn!

I haven't seen Jennings try to do to much of the same showboat style dribbling and passing he was famous for in high school. It seems that Coach Repesa has for the most part been able to tame that side of him. But here's a bit a reversion as Jennings tries to do too much:

Below is video from a victory over Ricky Rubio's Badalona team. Unfortunately, Rubio is injured but will return soon.

Check out this nice backstage interview with FIBA. We learn Brandon models his game after another lefty PG, Kenny Anderson, and is especially close to fellow Los Angelinos Marcus Williams and Tyson Chandler. On the eve of the election, he's also not a afraid to make a pitch!

Interview with in which Jennings says that the competition is not difficult - he's been playing adults for years and after an initial adjustment period feels he's improving just fine.

We learn some of his habits from his own blog. It's easy to flinch at this a bit and think - "He's wasting an invaluable cultural opportunity!" But, hey, it's not like he's studying abroad or anything.

Other than that, I just go to practice, come home and go right to my room, where I stay on the internet. I’m on Myspace a lot, AIM, I do the Skype thing a little, and I ordered the NBA League Pass online so I’m keepin up with the NBA. And I ordered the college package…

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