Monday, May 4, 2009

The Next Step : Jeremy Tyler

17-year-old Jeremy Tyler is basketball's newest sensation.
He's 6-10, 240 pounds, and has a suite of inside-out skills you expect from the NBA lottery prospects of his size these days.
He's also decided to follow in the footsteps of Brandon Jennings as second player to leap from American high school to a European professional basketball league.
The high school junior is upping the ante, though, by foregoing his senior year.
The reason is simple: high school competition in San Diego doesn't sharpen like professional competition in the A and B leagues of Spain and Italy.
And preps basketball doesn't pay - at least not legally.
What better way to prepare for a profession than by actually working in that profession?
In the two weeks since Tyler's announced his intentions, a veritable blogstorm of opinion has broken of the cyberscape. I'll chart those perspectives - and what Tyler's decision could presage for the future of amateur basketball.

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